Yanpei Cao (曹炎培)
Chief Scientist & Co-founder @ VAST

I am the Chief Scientist at VAST, building Tripo.
Previously, I was a principal researcher at Tencent ARC Lab and Tencent AI Lab, where I led an effort on 3D digitization/generation and immersive content creation. Before joining Tencent, I worked as a senior research engineer at Y-tech, Kuaishou Technology. Earlier, I was the CTO of Owlii (acquired by Kuaishou).
I did my PhD at Graphics and Geometric Computing Group, Tsinghua University, where I was advised by Prof. Shi-Min Hu. During my PhD, I spent a semester as a visiting PhD student at Computer Graphics Group, RWTH Aachen University, advised by Prof. Leif Kobbelt. Earlier, I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Tsinghua University.